This list of courses is not yet final, some modifications may occur.

Elective courses will be held only if enough students enrol into the course.  






Course code: 45727

Course coordinator: 

Asst. Prof. Tomislav Herceg, PhD

Course instructors: 

Asst. Prof. Tomislav Herceg, PhD


The aim of this course is to enable students to master the concepts and tools essential for understanding economics as a science. Starting with the analysis of partial equilibria in consumption and in production, it covers the formation of prices under different market structures, general equilibrium theory as well as the concept of Pareto optimality and market failures. In addition to using traditional methods such as calculus, students are also introduced to the more contemporary set and game theories.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 9

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Statistics for Business and Economics

Course code: 142301

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Anita Čeh Časni, PhD

Course instructors: 

Assoc. Prof. Anita Čeh Časni, PhD


The aim of this course is to teach students to use basic descriptive statistical methods and selected inferential statistical methods in the fields of economics and business. The emphasis is on applications and use of statistical software.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 9

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Commercial Law

Course code: 45730

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Hana Horak, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Hana Horak, PhD

Kristijan Poljanec, PhD


Becoming aware of the role and importance of commercial law in day-to-day doing business. Introduction to law, basic legal terminology, legal systems and concepts (civil law/common law). Introduction to European Union Law (history, legislative and institutional development, fundamental freedoms). Searching databases in EU law. Becoming aware of the complementary role of EU law and national legislations. Introduction to Contract Law in comparative perspective. Understanding of and being able to describe the main categories of commercial transactions: sale of goods, commercial agency, lease, distributorship etc. Introduction to Company Law and EU Company law. Supranational company forms. Be able to compare and detect similarities and differences between basic commercial and company law notions.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Physical Education-Practice II

Course code: 45733

Course coordinator: 

Predrag Mazinjanin, BA

Course instructors: 

Ivan Milinović, PhD

Marko Čule, PhD

Constanza Lizačić, MA

Predrag Mazinjanin, BA

Ines Udodovsky, BA

Romina Herceg, BA


Goals of Physical Education are: (1)learning of new conventional motor skills, (2) perfecting basic theoretical and practical kinesiological knowledge, (3) identifying interests, anthropological features and motor information (4) preventing the process of earlier fall of motor ability and skills due to insufficient physical activity (5) prepare students for individual physical exercise (6) promotion of sports culture and (7) improvement of social communication.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 1

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English



Croatian Economy

Course code: 59978

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Josip Tica, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Josip Tica, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Šime Smolić, PhD

Viktor Viljevac, MA


The course enables students to understand better the contemporary processes of restructuring, business activities, as well as the Croatian economy in general. It covers and applies two basic principles of economic analysis. Firstly, it covers applied macroeconomics of Croatia focusing on main variables, e.g. prices, unemployment, growth, and international relations. Secondly, it covers and analyses the real sector of the economy and structural changes in key industries and institutions. Study of these two aspects is necessary to identify market strategy necessary for a stable and sustainable development path.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Financial Institutions and Markets

Course code: 59979

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Alen Stojanović, PhD

Course instructors: 

Assoc. Prof. Ana Ivanišević Hernaus, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Jakša Krišto, PhD


Understanding the structure, mechanism and functioning of contemporary financial systems, financial institutions and markets. Introduction to the theoretical background, fundamental knowledge and operations related to the financial sector. Acquiring specific professional knowledge of banks, banking and especially credit services, procedures and techniques. Knowledge of non-bank financial institutions and their services. Understanding financial markets performance from the point of view of the service provider and the users. Understanding the procedures, categories and instruments of the domestic and international payment system. Acquiring knowledge of the Croatian financial and banking sector. Acquiring knowledge of recent developments in the financial services industry. Understanding banking services and financial market transactions.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English



Course code: 60879

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Jurica Pavičić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Jurica Pavičić, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Morana Fudurić, PhD


This course is a practical introduction to the overall field of marketing and its role, activities, and contribution within the overall business enterprise. This course provides insights into the key theories and processes in marketing by adopting a critical and practical perspective. The knowledge and understanding gained in this course will serve you well in your future business or professional careers regardless of your future specific discipline and will establish a base from which those of you with interests in marketing can continue to grow and develop your analytical and management skills.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


International Economics

Course code: 59981

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Vlatka Bilas, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Vlatka Bilas, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Sanja Franc, PhD


Enable students to understand contemporary international economics in the conditions of globalisation, based on their knowledge about theory, analysis and international trade and finance policies. Particular emphasis is placed on the issues related to development of small, open economies under the conditions of international integration.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: Recommendation: Principles of Economics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics

Language of instruction: English


Public Finance

Course code: 127451

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Dajana Barbić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Assoc. Prof. Dajana Barbić, PhD

Antonija Buljan, PhD


Getting an insight into the nature of public goods and services, the role of social security system in income redistribution. Understanding the possibilities and restraints, adequacy and efficiency of taxes and tax policy. Getting an insight into the methods and instruments of the budgetary policy. Understanding the problems of deficit financing and the role of public debt. Understanding the process and instruments of fiscal decentralization and fiscal equalization.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: To pass an exam in Principles of Economics, Microeconomics

Language of instruction: English



Tourism Principles

Course code: 83097

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Nevenka Čavlek, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Nevenka Čavlek, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Vanja Krajinović, PhD


To give an insight into the tourism system in academic and practical terms; to familiarise with the nature and structure of intermediation and its operating characteristics; to foster understanding of the economic contribution of tourism locally, nationally and internationally and appreciation of the positive and negative impacts of tourism activity; to identify aspects of socio-cultural behaviour that are most susceptible to tourism activity; to familiarise with the nature and roles of destination and an understanding of the concept of sustainability as well as with the approach to analysing and anticipating the future of the tourism system.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Managerial Accounting

Course code: 60878

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Ivana Dražić Lutilsky, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Ivana Dražić Lutilsky, PhD

Asst. Prof. Sanja Broz Tominac, PhD


Understanding the concepts, methodologies and objectives of providing information for internal users; understanding accounting information so as to give the users a quality foundation for the decision making process. Acquiring knowledge and developing skills for applying methods of cost allocation and accounting of product costs; knowledge and skills of developing and using business plans and of selecting relevant information for specific business decisions; knowledge about transfer prices and about costs of quality. This will enable students to build competence in order to establish and select information for evaluating and improving management efficiency of business entities.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Enterprise Information Systems

Course code: 60877

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Mario Spremić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Mario Spremić, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Božidar Jaković, PhD


Provide insight into the notion, features, functions and support of Enterprise Information System (EIS) to the businesses in various industries and sectors. Course should enable students to gain knowledge and in-depth understanding of structure and components of EIS as well as how it is used to support business processes. Course should provide balanced approach to the EIS usage in the international business, from its support to enterprise competitive advantage to EIS security and governance issues. Differences between EIS and IT (as one of its components) will be explained and students will be fostered to critical thinking about how to use prosper IT and EIS to change (innovate) a business model or make it more reliable and efficient.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English




Strategic Management

Course code: 83098

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Darko Tipurić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Darko Tipurić, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Domagoj Hruška, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Maja Daraboš Longin, PhD

Lana Cindrić, PhD


The course objective is to introduce students to the underlying and most relevant theories of strategic management. The course focuses on acquiring new and advanced knowledge in the field of strategic management.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Analysis of Financial Statements

Course code: 83099

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Ivana Mamić Sačer, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Ivana Mamić Sačer, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Sanja Sever Mališ, PhD


Understanding the concept and the role of financial statements analysis in a contemporary business environment. Acquiring knowledge of basic instruments and procedures in analyzing financial statements. Examination of financial position and business performance on the basis of financial statements across different industries.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: Accounting

Language of instruction: English


Investment Analysis

Course code: 83100

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Lidija Dedi, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Lidija Dedi, PhD

Asst. Prof. Denis Dolinar, PhD

Ena Pecina, PhD


Course will provide the students with an understanding of the quantitative valuation techniques and computer applications used in making important investment decisions. The knowledge and understanding gained in this course will serve students well in their future business or professional careers regardless of their specific discipline and will establish a base from which students with interests in investments can continue to grow and develop their analytical and management skills.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: To pass an exam in Corporate Finance/Financial Management

Language of instruction: English




Economic Integration and Regional Policy - NOT HELD IN AC. YEAR 2024/25

Course code: 227522

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Tomislav Sekur, PhD

Course instructors: 


Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English

DETAILED SYLLABUS - please contact the course coordinator

History of Economic Thought - NOT HELD IN AC. YEAR 2024/25

Course code: 227523

Course coordinator: 

Asst. Prof. Marko Družić, PhD

Course instructors: 


Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English

DETAILED SYLLABUS - please contact the course coordinator



Advanced English II

Course code: 128752

Course coordinator: 

Tamara Sladoljev-Agejev, PhD

Course instructors: 

Tamara Sladoljev-Agejev, PhD


Providing students with the knowledge of language, structure and style of expository and argumentative writing in the field of business and economics. Developing communication skills at an advanced level of English necessary in international business (focus on writing skills supported by reading, speaking and listening tasks: a) writing skills - writing essays (producing organized discourse: clarity, structure, concision, cohesion and coherence), and critical reviews/reaction papers (text organization, referencing, coherence and cohesion, summarizing, accuracy) on current business and economic issues, b) reading skills-understanding complex professional/academic texts serving as background material for writing (e.g. research papers), c) speaking skills - presenting (style, structure, signaling, clarity, visuals), class discussion (expressing opinion: style, argumentation), d) listening skills (follow-up web sources). Developing lexical competence (business/economic/general vocabulary arising from class topics).

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 4

Pre-requisites: Advanced level of English is recommended (min. B2 - CEFR, preferably higher)

Language of instruction: English


Affective Computing in Digital Economy

Course code: 227504

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Mario Spremić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Mario Spremić, PhD

Prof. Mirjana Pejić Bach, PhD


Provide insights into affective computing and its applications in electronic businesses. The course will guide students on how they can use affective computing systems, which can enable individuals to measure and communicate emotion for the purposes of electronic business. The students should also be able to develop affective computing systems that are able to adapt its reactions to emotions of potential buyers of clients. Topics in this course include: construction of affective computing systems enabled for e-business; the role of emotion in decision-making and learning; ethical and philosophical issues in affective computing.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 5

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Business Chinese II

Course code: 142298

Course coordinator: 

Višnja Kabalin Borenić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Heidi Jinyu Xie, visiting professor


1. Extended basic knowledge of Chinese: Further Chinese writing and advanced expressions and sentences in communication, wider business topics in daily communication.

2. Improved communication skills for commercial communication.

3. General understanding of the Chinese social and cultural environment.

4. General understanding of Chinese economic circumstances.

5. Basic understanding of Chinese laws and regulations applying to business and economy.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 4

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Business Ethics - NOT HELD IN AC. YEAR 2024/25

Course code: 172949

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Mislav Ante Omazić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Patricia Uroić, MA


The objectives of the course are to introduce the subject of business ethics to students and to inform them about the state of the art knowledge and practice in this field. The emphasis during the course is both on understanding the context of business ethics and the need for practical application of business ethics. The goal to be achieved is for business ethics to be understood and applied locally, regionally and internationally.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Business Forecasting

Course code: 128680

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Berislav Žmuk, PhD

Course instructors: 

Assoc. Prof. Berislav Žmuk, PhD


The aim of the course is to enable students to apply statistical methods in business forecasting by using empirical data from the field of finance, marketing, international trade, etc.

The emphasis is on the use of real-life cases in business and economics as well as on the use of software.

Students are taught to diagnose business problems and recognize possibility of efficient use of adequate statistical forecasting methods necessary for improving the information based business decision making.

Students are taught to interpret the statistical analysis results when solving business data based problems.

Students learn how to construct statistical reports with the results of business data and information for both higher managers, as decision makers, and for clients, etc.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 4

Pre-requisites: To pass an exam in Statistics for Economics and Business.

Language of instruction: English


Competition Law

Course code: 71481

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Jasminka Pecotić Kaufman, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Jasminka Pecotić Kaufman, PhD


Understand how market conduct and market structure are impacted by the rules intended to protect competition in the market. Grasp key concepts such as an undertaking, market power, relevant market, dominance, abuse of dominance, restrictive agreements, cartels, anticompetitive collusion, horizontal and vertical restraints, merger control, etc. Learn about key analytical framework for evaluating restrictions of competition based on the case law of the EU Court of Justice, decisions of the European Commission and of the Croatian Competition Agency. Get an insight into fundamental challenges for an effective competition enforcement in European post-socialist jurisdictions.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: To pass an exam in Commercial Law, Microeconomics

Language of instruction


Development Economics

Course code: 83145

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Jurica Šimurina, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Jurica Šimurina, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Vladimir Arčabić, PhD

Prof. Robert Sonora, PhD, visiting professor


Understanding the role of growth and development in the contemporary economies, as well as developmental problems of developed and underdeveloped countries. Poverty and growth measures and indicators of development will be studied, as well as quantitative analysis through cost-benefit and input-output analysis. On this basis further studies will be focused on the financing of development from domestic and international sources.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6


Language of instruction: English


Economic History - NOT HELD IN AC. YEAR 2024/25

Course code: 227501

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Marija Beg, PhD

Course instructors: 


Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction

DETAILED SYLLABUS - please contact the course coordinator

Economics of European Union

Course code: 142306

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Tomislav Globan, PhD

Course instructors: 

Assoc. Prof. Tomislav Globan, PhD


This course introduces the main economic theories of European integration, and a range of policy debates about functioning of the EU market. The course discusses the development and features of the integration process within the EU, based on the analysis of economic policies. The course will study the nature of past and current economic integration, as well as the possibilities for the future enlargement of the EU. The implementation of basic economic principles in solving economic problems facilitates better understanding of common EU policies. Major topic areas include macroeconomic policies of the EU member states, as well as adjustment of the candidate countries to the instruments and mechanisms of the European Union. The course offers a detailed view of the harmonization and regulation policies, performance of the EU economy, implications of globalization and the European monetary union.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Economics of Education - NOT HELD IN AC. YEAR 2024/25

Course code: 214995

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Šime Smolić, PhD

Course instructors: 


Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English

DETAILED SYLLABUS - please contact the course coordinator

Économie internationale

Course code: 212017

Course coordinator: 

Asst. Prof. Mile Bošnjak, PhD

Course instructors: 


Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: French level of knowledge B1/B2

Language of instruction: French

DETAILED SYLLABUS - please contact the course coordinator

Environmental Economics

Course code: 83144

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Jurica Šimurina, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Jurica Šimurina, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Irena Raguž Krištić, PhD

Prof. James Chen, PhD, visiting professor

Prof. Robert Sonora, PhD, visiting professor


Objective of this course is to make economic aspects of the environment accessible to students. Functions of the environment are numerous, and so are the fiscal measures that may remedy environment. There are further multiple functions of the environment and market forces that may influence it, which is encompassed in several approaches to environment.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Financial Modelling

Course code: 128682

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Zrinka Lukač, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Zrinka Lukač, PhD


The objective is to develop both the conceptual understanding of the theory and models covered by the course and the ability to implement it in Excel spreadsheet software, where Excel will be used to solve practical problems on real-life data.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Gestion des risques de la chaîne logistique - NOT HELD IN AC. YEAR 2024/25

Course code: 212014

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Jasna Prester, PhD

Course instructors: 


Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 5

Pre-requisites: French level of knowledge B1/B2

Language of instruction: French

DETAILED SYLLABUS - please contact the course coordinator

Labor Economics

Course code: 71499

Course coordinator: 

Marin Strmota, PhD

Course instructors: 

Marin Strmota, PhD

Boris Vujčić, PhD


Micro and macroeconomic knowledge of labor market, determining supply and demand for labor at the level of a company and national economy. Understanding the process of wage setting in companies through alternative methods of paying employees and managers. Establishing the most efficient wage schemes. The role and influence of unions in wage negotiations and in deciding on other conditions of work and employment. The impact of taxation policy on the company and economy efficiency. Impact of other laws that regulate labor market on the efficiency of a company and economy as a whole. Causes of unemployment; policies for reducing unemployment. Understanding the ways in which income policies influence inflation and other macroeconomic ratios.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction


L'economie collaborative - nouveaux modèles de gestion - NOT HELD IN AC. YEAR 2024/25

Course code: 212105

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Kosjenka Dumančić, PhD

Course instructors: 


Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 5

Pre-requisites: French level of knowledge B1/B2

Language of instruction: French

DETAILED SYLLABUS - please contact the course coordinator

Linear Programming and Game Theory

Course code: 128697

Course coordinator: 

Asst. Prof. Krunoslav Puljić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Asst. Prof. Krunoslav Puljić, PhD


The objective of this course is to study basic theory of Linear Programming, Integer Programming and Two-Person Zero-Sum Games with economic applications. The emphasis is on the formulation of a mathematical model and, as well, on the solving methods, available software tools and economic interpretation of results.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 4

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Marketing Innovation

Course code: 127459

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Goran Vlašić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Assoc. Prof. Goran Vlašić, PhD


Theoretical and practical knowledge on innovation management.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 5

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Marketing of Non-Profit Organisations - NOT HELD IN AC. YEAR 2024/25

Course code: 71487

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Jurica Pavičić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Jurica Pavičić, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Morana Fudurić, PhD


The main course objective is developing an understanding of key marketing concepts and the role of marketing in the nonprofit sector; strategic analysis, planning, implementation and control of marketing concepts in nonprofit organizations. The aim is to answer several key questions, namely: 

• How and why does the role of marketing differ between profit and non-profit organizations? 

• What makes marketing of non-profit organizations so specific and challenging? 

• How can non-profit organizations use key marketing principles to plan, implement and evaluate their strategic marketing plan to better the entire organization? 

• What are the key trends in the non-profit sector and how can non-profit organizations make the most of them?

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 5

Pre-requisites: To pass an exam in Marketing

Language of instruction: English



Course code: 157135

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Fran Galetić, PhD

Course instructors: 


Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 9

Pre-requisites: German level of knowledge B1/B2

Language of instruction: German

DETAILED SYLLABUS - please contact the course coordinator

Operational Research

Course code: 35460

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Zrinka Lukač, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Zrinka Lukač, PhD


The objective of the course is to provide students with a sound conceptual understanding of the role that operational research plays in the decision-making process. The course is applications oriented and covers many of the applications where operational research is used successfully. Each problem is being introduced by using the problem-scenario approach in conjunction with the mathematical model. The model is then solved in Excel to generate a solution. The results are analysed and interpreted in order to provide recommendation to management.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Principes du Tourisme

Course code: 212022

Course coordinator: 

Asst. Prof. Ingeborg Matečić, PhD

Course instructors: 


Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: French level of knowledge B1/B2

Language of instruction: French

DETAILED SYLLABUS - please contact the course coordinator

Procurement Management

Course code: 71490

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Blaženka Knežević, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Blaženka Knežević, PhD

Asst. Prof. Mia Delić, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Helena Nikolić, PhD


Understanding of procurement position and role in contemporary companies. Explanation of procurement impact on overall business efficiency and competitiveness. Demonstration of a critical approach and research-oriented attitude towards various procurement policies and strategies. General competences: Research of global and local procurement sources, material planning, stock management, cost management, decision making at operational and strategic level, managing inventories in supply chains, using modern ICT in procurement. Specific competences: Knowledge of negotiation procedures in procurement, procurement efficiency and effectiveness evaluation, recognition and elimination of risks in procurement.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Regional Economic Integrations

Course code: 71493

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Vlatka Bilas, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Sanja Franc, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Vlatka Bilas, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Sanja Franc, PhD


Acquiring knowledge about the theory, analysis and politics of regional integration and better understanding of globalization and regionalization trends. The program offers the possibility of studying and understanding wide specter of problem areas related to regional integration such as trade and trade liberalization, direct investments, monetary and financial integration.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 4

Pre-requisites: Recommendation: International Economics

Language of instruction: English


Simulation Games for Managers

Course code: 227507

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Mirjana Pejić Bach, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Mirjana Pejić Bach, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Jovana Zoroja, PhD

Tomislav Medić, MA


Simulation games for managers represent a tool with rising educational and employee success potential. Simulation games for managers are divided into two categories: simulation business games and productivity games (gamification). Course goals include: (i) introducing students to the principles and applications of simulation games for managers and gamification, (ii) developing simulation games for managers using simulation software, and (iii) learning skills necessary for identifying business problems that can be solved using simulation games and gamification. Students will gain experience on how to evaluate simulation games for managers, as well as gamification solutions. Students will gain knowledge and skills relevant for individual and team work, focused to the usage of simulation games and gamification solutions in specific areas by working together on project solving.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Transport Economics - NOT HELD IN AC. YEAR 2024/25

Course code: 214996

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Vladimir Čavrak, PhD

Course instructors: 


Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English

DETAILED SYLLABUS - please contact the course coordinator