The Studomat application is where you schedule exams.
All students are required to check again, 24 hours before the exam, the dates in Studomat just to confirm that the time and date of the exam is okay.
There are 2 important steps before your departure:
And 3 possible situations:
Situation no 1: you pass the courses through MIDTERMS/PRELIMINARY EXAMS (or various assignments/papers)
1) you must, nevertheless, schedule the exams in Studomat
you need your AAI information (user name=korisnička oznaka & password=zaporka)
the list of your exam dates will be in Studomat
you schedule the first exam date that is offered in Studomat for each course
notify your teachers that you accept the grade received through midterms
pay attention to the deadline for scheduling the exams (visible in Studomat)
Situation no 2: you are in fact TAKING THE EXAM (either on the 1st date or the 2nd)
1) you must schedule the exams in Studomat & be present on the day of the exam
you need your AAI information (user name=korisnička oznaka & password=zaporka)
the list of exam dates will be in Studomat
pay attention to the deadline for scheduling the exams (visible in Studomat)
Situation no 3: you FAIL THE EXAM on the 1st exam date
1) you can retake the exam on the 2nd exam date – do not forget to schedule the 2nd exam date in Studomat!
see Situation no 2
Please, pay attention to the deadlines for scheduling exams because if you miss them, your grade cannot be recorded in the system!
If you are experiencing problems with Studomat, please let us know so that we can help you solve them on time!
HORIZONTAL MOBILITY STUDENTS also need to schedule the exam in Studomat.
Before you leave FEB:
return all your books to the Library
Transcript of Records
will be issued after the examination period, sent to you by e-mail and to your home institution
Finally, if your home institution has given you certificates of stay, bear in mind that here they are signed by the Vice Dean, so it is best to send by e-mail 3-4 days before the end of your mobility, to make sure that they will be signed by the time you need them.