You can gain a lot more from your stay in Croatia if you know a little of the local language and social codes. After all, Croatian is the official language of the country in which you are going to live and study and will be an important part of your life in Croatia. Even if your courses are in a foreign language, you should have at least the basic knowledge of Croatian for everyday use and administrative needs.  

Where to learn Croatian?  Croaticum – Centre for Croatian as Foreign and Second Language

More info: http://www.unizg.hr/homepage/learn-croatian/



Academic Vocabulary Glossary

Bachelor Thesis - Preddiplomski završni (ocjenski) rad

Course - Kolegij, nastavni predmet

Degree – Akademski stupanj

Department - Odsjek

Doctoral Studies or Doctoral Programme - Doktorski studij ili doktorski program

Exam (oral-usmeni, written-pismeni) - Ispit

ECTS credits – ECTS bodovi

Faculty - Fakultet

Graduate studies - Diplomski studij

Higher Education - Visoko školstvo

Individual consultations - Konzultacije

Laboratory – Laboratorij

Learning Agreement – Ugovor o učenju

Master Thesis - Diplomski rad

Partial exam - Kolokvij

Postgraduate Study - Poslijediplomski studij

Professional Course of Study - Stručni studij

Study year - Godina studija

Transcript (of records) - Prijepis ocjena

Tuition Fees/Tutorial Fees - Školarina

Undergraduate Degree - Preddiplomski studij

University - Sveučilište 

Everyday Language Glossary

Good morning - Dobro jutro

Good afternoon - Dobar dan

Good evening - Dobra večer

Goodbye - Doviđenja

Answer - Odgovor

Building - Zgrada

Direction - Smjer

Excuse me - Oprostite

Exit - Izlaz

Entrance - Ulaz

Forbidden - Zabranjeno

Help! - U pomoć!

Hi - Bok

How much is it? - Koliko košta?

How are you? - Kako ste?

Illness - Bolest

Location - Mjesto

No - Ne

Please - Molim

Pull! - Vuci!

Push! - Gurni!

Question - Pitanje

Square - Trg

Street - Ulica

Thank you - Hvala

Welcome - Dobro došli

What is your name? - Kako se zovete?

Where do you come from? - Odakle ste?

Yes - Da