This list of courses is not yet final, some modifications may occur.

Elective courses will be held only if enough students enrol into the course.  





Business Informatics

Course code: 142299

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Mirjana Pejić Bach, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Mirjana Pejić Bach, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Jovana Zoroja, PhD 

Dalia Suša Vugec, PhD


The major role of IT is to provide solutions for business problems, and to provide opportunities for companies by increasing productivity and quality. The course should demonstrate practical, managerial-oriented approach towards IT use.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Mathematics for Business

Course code: 142300

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Zrinka Lukač, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Zrinka Lukač, PhD

Asst. Prof. Vedran Kojić, PhD


The course teaches the mathematical skills required for problem solving and decision making in the business world through use of mathematical models and specialized techniques. The objective is to develop an understanding of the uses of mathematics in the study of economics and business, as well as to foster critical thinking and analytical approach to problem solving. The course covers the wide range of mathematical principles and techniques and their economic applications and thus develops the tools to study economics and business with deeper understanding and more effectively. By the end of the course students should be familiar with the mathematical tools covered in class and be able to use these tools in formalizing and solving problems in economics and business.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 9

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Principles of Economics

Course code: 45651

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Lorena Škuflić, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Tomislav Herceg, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Lorena Škuflić, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Tomislav Herceg, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Fran Galetić, PhD

Luka Pavelić, MA


This is an introductory course designed for you, first year students of Economics. It is intended to give you an overview of the most important areas in the study of Economics. The aim of his course is to capture and develop your economic intuition and understanding of tendencies and events in global markets. The areas studied will comprise fundamentals of both micro and macroeconomics, long-term growth and short-run fluctuations, monetary and fiscal policy, and international economy. An essential part of the course will be your active participation in analyzing current economic events and developments and in discussing those in class.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 9

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Physical Education-Practice I

Course code: 45725

Course coordinator: 

Predrag Mazinjanin, BA

Course instructors: 

Ivan Milinović, PhD

Marko Čule, PhD

Constanza Lizačić, MA

Predrag Mazinjanin, BA

Ines Udodovsky, BA

Romina Herceg, BA


Goals of Physical Education are: (1) learning of new conventional motor skills, (2) perfecting basic theoretical and practical kinesiological knowledge, (3) identifying interests, anthropological features and motor information (4) preventing the process of earlier fall of motor ability and skills due to insufficient physical activity (5) prepare students for individual physical exercise (6) promotion of sports culture and (7) improvement of social communication.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 1

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English




Course code: 128656

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Jurica Šimurina, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Jurica Šimurina, PhD

Asst. Prof. Irena Raguž Krištić, PhD

Asst. Prof. Lucija Rogić Dumančić, PhD


The course focuses on the use of analytical tools and formal models in order to explain output, inflation, unemployment, interest rates, exchange rates and other macroeconomic variables. The use of these tools facilitates analysis of the current, and forecasting of the future economic activity, and assessment of the appropriate macroeconomic policies. The course offers integrated approach to the study and understanding of macroeconomic models stemming from equilibrium in the three basic markets: goods, financial and labour markets.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 9

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English



Course code: 46307

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Ivana Načinović Braje, PhD

Course instructors: 

Assoc. Prof. Ivana Načinović Braje, PhD

Matija Marić, PhD


Students will be introduced to basic terms of organisational theory and practice, and get familiar with contemporary organizing trends. After being introduced to internal and external design elements, students will then learn about differentiation and integration of organizational systems, as well as study different organizational structure types. A special attention is also given to business processes, job design and organizational dynamics (change, conflict and culture).

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Corporate Finance

Course code: 128820

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Davor Zoričić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Asst. Prof. Ena Pecina, PhD

Zrinka Lovretin Golubić, PhD

Zrinka Orlović, PhD


Course will provide a theoretical and practical introduction to the overall field of finance and especially corporate finance, its role, activities and contribution within the overall business enterprise. Course objective is the understanding of basic financial concepts with emphasis on cost of capital, economic value and valuation techniques, capital budgeting, capital structure decisions and dividend policy. It provides a theoretical framework used to address issues in project appraisal and financing, the pricing of risk, security valuation, market efficiency. An understanding of financial theory is absolutely essential for anyone developing and implementing effective financial strategies. Using theory, analytical frameworks and practical examples, the course provide students with knowledge and in-depth understanding of key concepts of financial management, the relationship between finance and other corporate departments, and the quantitative techniques and computer applications that can be used in making important corporate decisions. The knowledge and understanding gained in this course will serve students in their future business or professional careers regardless of specific discipline and will establish a base from which students with interests in finance can continue to grow and develop analytical and management skills. It also provides students with the tools required for further studies in financial intermediation and investments.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English



Course code: 46317

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Ivana Dražić Lutilsky, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Ivana Dražić Lutilsky, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Martina Dragija Kostić, PhD


Studying accountancy as a language of contemporary business, and using accounting information in decision making. Understanding the environment which has generated business and used business information. Acquiring specific knowledge of accounting categories and their scope in financial statements. Mastering the skill of reading and understanding financial statements.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Physical Education-Practice III

Course code: 59985

Course coordinator: 

Predrag Mazinjanin, BA

Course instructors: 

Ivan Milinović, PhD

Marko Čule, PhD

Constanza Lizačić, MA

Predrag Mazinjanin, BA

Ines Udodovsky, BA

Romina Herceg, BA


Goals of Physical Education are: (1) learning of new conventional motor skills, (2) perfecting basic theoretical and practical kinesiological knowledge, (3) identifying interests, anthropological features and motor information (4) preventing the process of earlier fall of motor ability and skills due to insufficient physical activity (5) prepare students for individual physical exercise (6) promotion of sports culture and (7) improvement of social communication.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 1

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English



Monetary Policy

Course code: 127452

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Marijana Ivanov, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Marijana Ivanov, PhD

Asst. Prof. Dajana Barbić, PhD


Understanding the role of money in economic activity as well as the goals and functions of central banks in implementation of monetary policy instruments. Acquiring knowledge of monetary flows which, through the activities of central bank and commercial banks, reflect changes in the monetary sphere of the economy and, through liquidity of the national economy, affect the real economy variables such as: prices, exchange rate, employment, economic growth, balance of payments etc.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Business Statistics

Course code: 60876

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Irena Palić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Assoc. Prof. Irena Palić, PhD


The aim of the course is to enable students to apply statistical methods in business economics by using empirical data from the field of finance, marketing, international trade, etc. The emphasis is on the use of real-life cases as well as on the use of software.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: To pass an exam in Statistics for Business and Economics

Language of instruction: English



Course code: 128663

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Maja Klindžić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Assoc. Prof. Maja Klindžić, PhD

Milka Rimac Bilušić, MA

Patricia Uroić, MA


Understanding management concepts, complex roles and tasks of management in modern organisations. Gaining knowledge about basic management functions, methods of work and their application in management problem-solving situations and operating under complex conditions. Developing students' own potential and competence to analyse the performance of management and management affairs at different organisational levels and in different organisations.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English




Marketing Management

Course code: 71497

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Mirko Palić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Assoc. Prof. Mirko Palić, PhD


This course will provide students all the necessary knowledge (theoretical and practical) related to the implementation of marketing activities, understanding of marketing concepts in specific contexts and the application of marketing concepts in practice.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


International Business

Course code: 66662

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Marina Dabić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Marina Dabić, PhD

Asst. Prof. Ivana Kovač, PhD


The course will provide students with the necessary knowledge regarding doing business in the international environment. Students will learn about issues concerning globalization, different regional and global integrations, international trade and investment, strategies and how particular divisions operate in the internationally competitive firm.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English



Course code: 36724

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Marko Kolaković, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Marko Kolaković, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Mihaela Mikić, PhD

Asst. Prof. Mladen Turuk, Phd


Students will acquire knowledge and skills about the fundamentals and basic principles of entrepreneurship, functions of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial environment and prospects of entrepreneurial development. The aim of this course is to point out to the students and potential entrepreneurs the significance of creating an appropriate entrepreneurial background, and possibilities of entrepreneurial risk protection. The knowledge of opportunities and risks of an entreprenurial undertaking is included.

Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English




Agricultural Economics and Rural Development - NOT HELD IN AC. YEAR 2024/25

Course code: 227528

Course coordinator: 

Asst. Prof. Ozana Nadoveza Jelić, PhD

Course instructors: 


Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English

DETAILED SYLLABUS - please contact the course coordinator

Economic Policy - NOT HELD IN AC. YEAR 2024/25

Course code: 227520

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Boris Cota, PhD

Course instructors: 


Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: To pass an exam in Microeconomics, Macroeconomics

Language of instruction: English

DETAILED SYLLABUS - please contact the course coordinator

Urban Economics - NOT HELD IN AC. YEAR 2024/25

Course code: 227521

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Josip Tica, PhD

Course instructors: 


Course type: mandatory

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English

DETAILED SYLLABUS - please contact the course coordinator



Advanced English I

Course code: 128750

Course coordinator: 

Višnja Kabalin Borenić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Višnja Kabalin Borenić, PhD

Tamara Sladoljev-Agejev, PhD


Providing students with the knowledge of standard formats and style of professional communication common in the global business environment. Developing communication skills at an advanced level of English necessary in international business (focus on reading and writing skills supported by speaking and listening tasks): a) reading skills-understanding professional/academic texts dealing with business/economic issues (discourse structure), b) writing skills- writing summaries (producing organized discourse: introduction, clarity, structure, concision, completeness, accuracy, cohesion and coherence), business reports (clarity, text organization: structure and graphics, referencing, cohesion, accuracy and precision), c) speaking skills-presenting (style, structure, signaling, clarity, visual organization), class discussion (expressing opinion: style, argumentation), and d) listening skills (follow-up web sources). Developing lexical competence (business/economic/general vocabulary arising from class topics).

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 4

Pre-requisites: none; recommendation: min. B2 English language competence

Language of instruction: English


Business Chinese I

Course code: 142297

Course coordinator: 

Višnja Kabalin Borenić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Heidi Jinyu Xie, visiting professor


1. Basic knowledge of Chinese (Chinese pronunciation and Pinyin Romanization system, elementary Chinese characters, basic Chinese grammar, simple phrases and daily expressions.);

2. Basic communication skills for commercial communication;

3. General understanding of the Chinese social and cultural environment;

4. General understanding of Chinese economic circumstances;

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 4

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Corporate Risk Management

Course code: 227499

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Danijela Miloš Sprčić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Danijela Miloš Sprčić, PhD


To define risk, risk aversion and risk measurement across time. To present benefits of corporate risk management to the accomplishment of the company primary goal – value enhancement. To analyse risk management concepts, with an emphasis to the integrated risk management. To analyse in details the theory and practice of integrated risk management process - identification, measurement, decision making, controlling, reviewing. This objective will be accomplished by conducting international case studies. To give answer to the question whether corporate risks should be strictly controlled and minimised or certain risk exposure can bring opportunities to the company’s value enhancement. To present options for risk exposure measurement across different traditional and contemporary risk measures - Variance, Coefficient of Variation, Value-at-Risk (VaR), Cash-flow-at-Risk (CFaR), Scenario analysis, Sensitivity analysis, MC Simulation, Risk mapping. To analyse strategies and instruments of corporate risk management.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: Knowledge and good understanding of Corporate finance and Strategic management is recommended as well as the regular class attendance, which is a condition for examination process and project work

Language of instruction: English


Cross-Cultural Management

Course code: 184982

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Najla Podrug, PhD

Course instructors: 

Assoc. Prof. Najla Podrug, PhD

Assistant Professor Marina Sebastijanović, PhD          (C.T. Bauer College of Business, University of Houston, USA)


Increasing cultural complexity of contemporary social and business environments require an understanding of the importance of coping with and managing cultural differences in a way that they become an opportunity. This course should provide an intellectual and experiential forum for developing the necessary interpersonal-intercultural skills by learning to identify cultural aspects of behavior of persons from different cultures. Course should provide detailed expertise in dealing with a wide variety of cultural situations, challenges and paradigms, thus learning skills that will be useful for working effectively in multi-cultural teams, cross-cultural negotiations and international careers. Set in a multi-cultural setting via cooperation with University of Houston, the course puts a strong emphasis on practical applications that will be enhanced through exercises, case studies and cross-cultural group projects.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English



Course code: 91799

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Ivan Čipin, PhD

Course instructors: 

Assoc. Prof. Ivan Čipin, PhD

Asst. Prof. Petra Međimurec, PhD


This course is designed as an introduction to demography, and introduces the students to the concepts, theories, and methods of analysis of the statistical study of human populations. The course teaches students key themes in demography, such as size, structure and distribution of human populations and ways that various changes in populations are affected by birth, death and migration.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Dynamic Methods for Economics and Finance - NOT HELD IN AC. YEAR 2024/25

Course code: 198945

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Vedran Kojić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Vedran Kojić, PhD


The objective of the course is to study dynamical systems applied in Economics. Time is considered as a continuous and discrete variable, while the problems are modelled using derivate or difference. The result is a time path of an economics variable which will be analysed if it converges or not into the equilibrium state. Students will get the knowledge of modelling the economics problems determining the relations among economics variable and their changes. They will solve the problem using some mathematical tool and obtain the variable time path which will be analysed. Students will also use the data and software in order to estimate the parameters of the starting model.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English



Course code: 128665

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Josip Arnerić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Josip Arnerić, PhD


Specification, estimation and goodness of fit determination of various econometric models. Upgrading knowledge from mathematics, statistics, and economics regarding quantitative analysis of economic phenomena due to empirical verification of economic theory.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


European Company Law

Course code: 72099

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Hana Horak, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Hana Horak, PhD

Kristijan Poljanec, PhD


Becoming aware of basic legal notions and terminology in EU company law and its complementary role in development of national company laws. Becoming aware of basic legal structure of companies. Understanding of EU harmonization processes in company laws and their aims. Observing EU company law in comparative perspective, detecting similarities and differences. Understanding advantages of incorporation of doing-business and risks thereof.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


European Market Law

Course code: 71485

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Hana Horak, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Hana Horak, PhD

Kristijan Poljanec, PhD


Understanding development of the European Union, its legal and institutional framework. Becoming aware of basic legal notions and terminology in EU market law and its complementary role in development of national market-related laws. Understanding basic features, entrepreneurial relevance and differences between four fundamental freedoms. Understanding harmonisation processes in market-related legal areas and their aims. Becoming aware of importance of EU law for development and enhancement of consumer laws, competition laws, state aid, capital markets, cross-border provision of health services, recognition of professional qualifications, security and justice.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Financial Mathematics

Course code: 60882

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Zrinka Lukač, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Zrinka Lukač, PhD


Provide insight into the basic mathematical theory of interest as traditionally developed through thorough treatment of the mathematical theory and practical applications of both compound and simple interest. The course emphasizes the importance of conceptual understanding as well as the ability to apply the techniques to real world problems.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Game Theory and Business - NOT HELD IN AC. YEAR 2024/25

Course code: 198946

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Vedran Kojić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Vedran Kojić, PhD


Through the study of conflict situations between economic entities in the market define the game, players, player strategies, players' payouts and balance (equilibrium) and analyze various types of games.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 5

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Gestion de la chaîne logistique -  NOT HELD IN AC. YEAR 2024/25

Course code: 212012

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Jasna Prester, PhD

Course instructors: 


Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 5

Pre-requisites: French level of knowledge B1/B2

Language of instruction: French

DETAILED SYLLABUS - please contact the course instructor

Gestion operationnel des services - NOT HELD IN AC. YEAR 2024/25

Course code: 212015

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Jasna Prester, PhD

Course instructors: 


Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 5

Pre-requisites: French level of knowledge B1/B2

Language of instruction: French

DETAILED SYLLABUS - please contact the course instructor

Health Economics

Course code: 127453

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Šime Smolić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Assoc. Prof. Šime Smolić, PhD


The course aims to introduce students to health economics as a part of applied microeconomics. It examines the objectives of social policy, and alternative concepts and measures of equity, poverty and welfare. The course is designed to enable students to understand challenges in health care financing and organization. In addition, this course gives a general insight into the theory of consumer behaviour, health demand and production of health, health care resources, and the consequences of technological and demographic changes for health economy. It covers the main features of health care system and health care financing in Croatia and other EU countries.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


International Entrepreneurship (e-course)

Course code: 72402

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Marina Dabić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Marina Dabić, PhD

Asst. Prof. Ivana Kovač, PhD


Successful completion of the module will enable student to: 1) Understand, international business methods, cultures, and practices; 2) Learn how to start a company in abroad and develop business plan according to EU best practice; 3) Explain the difference between newly founded companies and existing companies. After the completion of the course (module), the student is expected to develop knowledge required for understanding work in network and how to start international business venture; Also, the student is expected to recognize and understand different types of business situations in which entrepreneurs have to perform, as well as to analyse, synthesize and summarize information critically in order to plan entrepreneurial activities. One of the main objectives of the course is to provide insight into the notion, features, functions and support of Enterprises in various industries and sectors.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 4

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English



Course code: 212021

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Irena Raguž Krištić, PhD

Course instructors: 


Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 9

Pre-requisites: French level of knowledge B1/B2

Language of instruction: French

DETAILED SYLLABUS - please contact the course instructor

Microeconomic Theory

Course code: 71543

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Mira Krpan, PhD

Course instructors: 

Assoc. Prof. Mira Krpan, PhD


To enable students to review and advance their understanding of the methodological tools and procedures used in contemporary advanced microeconomic analysis and to use them in their own work. It is intended as an upper-division undergraduate course as it is taught on all leading universities in the world. It is particularly useful as a bridge between the undergraduate level Microeconomics and Microeconomic Analysis, which is a compulsory course in the Doctoral Study Program at our Faculty.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Open Innovation in Global Networks

Course code: 157422 

Course coordinator: 

Prof. Marina Dabić, PhD

Course instructors: 

Prof. Marina Dabić, PhD

Asst. Prof. Ivana Kovač, PhD


The main topic of this course is link to open innovation and open business models. It relates to the competitive strategies generated from open innovation that can be implemented for small and large companies. Strategy making and strategy implementation are at the core of the course which draws on recent research and thinking in (open) innovation management and more particularly on two books of Henry Chesbrough and publications of Vanhaverbeke, Brunswicker and open innovation network (OI-net project). The course provides the holistic way of thinking that will lead to the creation of highly differentiated strategies and business models. More specifically, the course focuses on open innovation to particular cases in large and small companies, the strength and weaknesses of open innovation strategies, and the organization and implementation of open innovation practices across Europe.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English


Principios de economía

Course code: 212023

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Fran Galetić, PhD

Course instructors: 


Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 9

Pre-requisites: Spanish level of knowledge B1/B2

Language of instruction: Spanish

DETAILED SYLLABUS - please contact the course instructor

Sports Economics

Course code: 200079

Course coordinator: 

Assoc. Prof. Tomislav Globan, PhD

Course instructors: 

Assoc. Prof. Tomislav Globan, PhD

Professor Craig A. Depken, II


Provide insight to the financial money streams and economic processes in the sports industry. Students will learn what does the sports industry mean for the economy of a country or a region and what are the costs and advantages of the organization of big sports events. The course will provide answers to questions on why does the government have to put money into sports, how can the efficiency of the public sports policy be improved and what is special about the product and players market in the sector of professional team sports. The students should be able to develop understanding of what determines the power relations between clubs and player wages and what are the main differences between US and European sports economic models. Among other topics, the course covers market structure, the labor market, public subsidies for stadia, public funding of bids for mega-events and for the events themselves, and corruption.

Course type: elective

ECTS credits: 6

Pre-requisites: none

Language of instruction: English